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RHA/RS series electrical actuators

Author:Chong Qing Shu Yang Trading Company | Release time:2014/11/29 11:13:58 | Click:881

RHA/RS series electrical actuators


SIC started the technology transfer of the product from Hartmann & Brown of Germany in 1991 and localized all the parts and accessories in 2002. From 2003 ABB began to order the important part of the product, gearboxes, from SIC.

RHA/RS series digital electrical actuators introduced into from German ABB company are high efficiency、high precision、high reliability servo-positioning devices, they are also economized electric power products with high advanced motor technology and advanced control technology. They are widely applied to industrial-process measurement and control system for light industry、oil industry、chemical industry、mechanism industry、electric power、metallurgy etc.They receive standard direct current(d.c.)signal, servo linear system output corresponding angle displacement or linear displacement, and operate multifarious control devices

RHA series actuators output angle displacement and positioning torque, RS series actuators output linear displacement and positioning force, they connect with multifarious control valves or others control devices via lever system. By fit together RHA/RS series electrical actuators and RFD electrical station ,you can manual operate actuators,switch AUTO/MAN industry condition, monitor control signal and position feedback signal

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